Friday, April 08, 2011

"Do you believe ...?

Whoever lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?"  She said to him, "Yes, Lord; I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, he who is coming into the world." (John 11, 26-27)

Jesus is asking us the same question, "Do you believe...?

Do I believe that there is a reason for the sickness and the pain I am suffering now?

Do I believe that God is a loving God when I continue to see the worried look of a friend and the continued tears of anguish and sorrow?

Do I believe in the justice of God as I visit the young man imprisoned for a crime he was never aware of nor capable of commiting?

Do I believe that God really cares when there is an unexpected death in the family?

Do I believe in God's power in the midst of the powerful earthquakes and tsunamis, killing
thousands of innocent people?

Do I believe in God who is my Father when I see the anguish of a mother over a son lost in
drugs and violence?

Do I believe ...?

I may not find the reason for the pain and suffering in our lives. I may not be able to see the meaning of a sudden death, the terriblr catastrophies, the painful anguish and sorrows in our lives.... I believe. I TRUST in my God, all powerful and merciful, loving and just.

Jesus, I TRUST in You!