Friday, January 14, 2005

Opposition and Wonder

Mk 2, 1-12

"..some of the scribes were sitting there, questioning in their hearts,
"Why does this man speak thus? It is blasphemy!"

Jesus did something good. He cured a paralytic. He restored his health. It was a good deed for somebody in need. A lot of people saw it. Some were "amazed and glorified God, saying, "We never saw anything like this!" They saw the goodness in what Jesus did. And they glorified God!

There were others who saw otherwise. They looked for something bad from the goodness in the work of Jesus. They looked at what was wrong, what was lacking, what was not according to their line of thought. Anything that went against their thinking was bad, out-of-order, and therefore, a source of conflict and opposition.

Were these scribes so envious of Jesus that they could not appreciate the goodness that He had done? Were they so insecure about the authority of Jesus that they could not bring to acknowledge his power over evil and all diseases?

There are always people like that. They could not bring to see for themselves the good things that other people do. No matter how good a thing is, there is always something wrong with it. They could only see the little black spot over the beautiful colors of a painting. They can never say "Thank You", nor look in wonder and amazement at things they see.

We have a God who does wonderful things for us. Let us pray that we may learn to appreciate them, and look at them with amazement. So that we may glorify our loving, merciful God!