Wednesday, January 12, 2005


Mk 1, 29-39

"...they brought to him all who were ill or possessed by demons....
He cured many who were sick with various diseases,
and he drove out many demons."

Jesus performed many miracles. He cured many diseases, and drove out demons. To the many who brough out the sick to him, and to the many he cured, Jesus was the miracle-worker, the wonder-worker. And there were so many who came!

Jesus once told a group of his audience that he would cure a blind man so that the glory of God might be manifested and might be known. And then he would say to those he cured, "Go and sin no more!"

Miracles were done by Jesus for one reason: that the glory of God may be manfested and be known. And when this has been recognized, so that all may believe in Him.

The fruitfulness of a miracle does not come from the cure or the healing, but on the renewal and the repentance that come with it. So that the glory of God may be manifested in the life of the one who has received the miracle. In turn, he becomes the miracle himself!