Monday, January 10, 2005

It is who I choose...

Mk 1, 14-20

Jesus said to them,
"Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men."
Then they left their nets and followed him.

A friend asked her son if it is possible for him to consider the priesthood. Considering his good nature, his readiness to understand and to emphatize with people, his mother has always thought he would become a good priest.

His response? "I am the most unworthy for that vocation!"

His mother replied, "We are all sinners. And nobody is worthy of God's love. But the Lord does not consider our sinfulness and weaknesses. But Jesus is telling us, 'IT IS NOT WHO IS WORTHY BUT WHO I CHOOSE."

Lord Jesus, we are most unworthy of your love. But your mercy for us, sinners, is unfathomable. It is your grace that transforms us. It is your grace that makes us less unworhty of your love. Lord , help me that I may love you most dearly, and follow you nearly, now and forever. Amen.