Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Assumption of Mary

"My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, my spirit exults in God my savior! He has looked upon his servant in her lowliness, and people forever will call me blessed."

Today we celebrate the Assumption of our Blessed Mother into heaven, body and soul. In  1950 Pope Pius XII solemnly defined this to be an article of our faith and declared that "the Immaculate Mother of God, Mary ever Virgin, when the course of her earthly life was ended, was taken up body and soul into the glory of heaven."

The Sacred Scriptures referred to Mary as: full of grace, blessed among women, the woman clothed with the sun. Such titles express the Church's recognition of the honor that belongs to Mary as Mother of God.

There are those who say that the honors and privileges bestowed upon Mary made her less free to sin, and therefore less human. And therefore less like us.

But we ask ourselves: Are we human because we can sin, or are we human because we can do good? If being human is defined by the good that we are, since God created us good, then Mary and Jesus are more human than we are, not the other way around, not less human.

For we always say, "Andi bali, too tayo labat.", it as if, our being human is a curse, an excuse to do evil, and avoid good. Our humanity becomes an excuse.

No manpasnok tayo, odino mansikot, sa kuan tayo: ay too ak labat. No manayew tayo, say kuantayo, agko napokpokan, too ak labat. Ag naiwasan so mankasalanan.

Balet, no manggawa tayo na kamaongan, mangaro, mamerdona, manlingkur ed arum, do we look for an excuse and say, " ay pasiensia kayod panangarok, ta lapud took ak labat." Lapud too kanian sarag tayon manggawa na kamaungan.

My dear friends, Mary's honors and privileges, the crowning glory of which is her assumption into heaven, are all received by Mary on our behalf, on behalf of humanity. She is like us; we can be like her. In her glory, we catch a glimpse of the glory that awaits us.

It is with joyful gratitude and humility that the honor given to me by His Holiness is an honor shared with you and because of you. The parishioners of San Fabian are not an excuse for me, to justify whatever wrongs I have done and I will do, but the reason for the good that my priesthood given to me as a gift will find its true meaning: in praying for you, in bringing Jesus to you.

Being holy does not mean being shielded from temptation. It means being tempted and choosing to do good anyway. We are ordinary creatures, like Mary, who depend on God to be saved. And yet, we too are extraordinary, like Mary, meant for the glory of heaven. May we all heartily join Mary as her whole being proclaims the greatness of God!