Saturday, March 19, 2011

St. Joseph, Husband of Mary

St. Joseph had so many plans for Mary. He would have wanted to have a grand wedding. Instead, he found out that Mary was already with child!

He planned to divorce her quietly. But his plans had to take another turn. God, through an angel told him to marry Mary because she was pregnant by the power of the Holy Spirit! What? So, he married Mary.

He would have wanted Mary to give birth in his house: safe and secure. But, there was another change of plan. They had to go to Bethlehem because the Emperor from far away Rome wanted a census for all the Jews. And Joseph was from the tribe of David. And David was from Bethlehem. While they were in Bethlehem, it was time for Mary to give birth. Another change of plan: she gave birth to Jesus in a stable!

Joseph, through all these changes of plans, followed God’s guiding hands. He allowed God to direct him to places and situations he was not familiar with. He allowed God to surprise him! Would be like St. Joseph?

After all, God knows what is best for us. His ways may not be according to our plan, but his ways in the end will lead us to what is best for us!

How do we know that what we are following is God’s plan and ways, and not our plan and our ways?

Many times, we compromise what we believe in, tell a lie, follow an advice which we know is against truth or honest just to have our plan accomplished.

We were able to accomplish the plan, but at what expense? We suffer the anxieties and sleepless nights. There is no peace of mind. This is not then God’s plan and His ways.