Thursday, November 08, 2007

Waiting for nobody!

It is a concrete structure found in main highways and roads, and in all the barangays of the town. The "Waiting Shed" is a familiar structure. Its main purpose is to provide a shelter for the people while waiting for a ride. The most common means of transportation in the barrios is the tricycle. Then, there is the popular jeepney. And lately, the kolig-lig.

Bolaoen is one of the thirty-four barangays of the town. Since it is a barangay, it cannot be without its own "Waiting Shed"! Of course!

But I wonder what the "Waiting Shed" in Bolaoen is for?

The main place where we have our monthly mass can only be reached by taking the "Hanging Bridge". The Bolaoen Bridge can only hold people; not tricycles, not jeepneys, not the kolig-lig.

Then, why is there a "Waiting Shed" in Barangay Bolaoen?

(Check out the Bolaoen link and you will understand why).