Monday, June 20, 2005

Bro. Eddie!

Going to the different barangays has become a lot easier with less difficulties since the Parish acquired a jeep. A red WWII jeep with a Toyota 4K engine. Powerful. Economical. It could get out of the deep, heavy road-mud anytime!

Since the jeep is all roof, eveybody can see who is in it. Usually I am with one or two "sacristans".

I usually drive the jeep in going to the barrios. Or barangays. When people see the red jeep, they know it is "Father". Old folks would wave at me. The children would do the same, and much more. They would shout, "Father! Father!"

Or after I waved at them with my left hand, while holding the wheel with my right, these children would shout, "Si Father man!" (That's 'Father').

I was made to believe so many knew me. So many recognized the red jeep that 'Father' drove to the barrios. It made me feel good! And very important!

The other day, I was at my usual waving mode! I passed by these children playing by the road. They waved back, and expecting to hear from them the usual, "Si Father man!", I overheard instead a most unusual 'recognition' from a child in that group. I heard instead, "Brother Eddie! Brother Eddie!"

(Brother Eddie was a presidential candidate who lost in the last elections. He is at present a Born Again TV evangelist).

So much for my bloated ego!
