Thursday, January 05, 2006

My Barber

His friends tease him that he is the only one in the parish who can twist and turn the head of the Parish Priest; and the Parish Priest can not do anything about it! The Parish Priest always obeys his wishes and commands!

It is true, of course. When he tells me to bow my head, I do it. Or when he says to turn a little to the left, I do it. "Keep still", he says. I keep still.

His friends after all are not exaggerating. He really can twist and turn my head!

He is after all my barber!

When he sees my hair getting long, he tells me. He makes the sign with his two fingers as if they are scissors and make cutting movements. Then he points his finger to his head. Meaning: I need a haircut. And so we make an appointment. Usually after the mass in the morning. That is because, he is a daily mass goer.

My barber comes to mass everyday. He is also a commissioned Minister of Holy Communion, and serves every second mass of Sundays. He drives me around too when I go to the different Elementary Schools of the town to hear the first confessions of the grade school kids and give them their first communion. Of course, he comes together with his friends, who are also Ministers of Holy Communion.

Cutting my hair gives him satisfaction; a sense of service. In the same way when he distributes the Holy Communion to the parishioners, especially to the sick members of the community. My barber serves.