Friday, November 04, 2005

Only God ...

You cannot serve God and mammon.
Lk 16, 9-15

Money in itself is not bad; wealth in itself is not evil. But then, we can desire money so much, it becomes the moving spirit behind our actions, and thoughts and dreams. And even our prayers.

But we have only one God. He is our master. And as our Master, He is the source of our life-direction, how we think and do and live. He is our Master whose life we want to become.

Not money. Not wealth. Not power.

Then why do we cry so much when we lose our wealth and money and security and power? We even say, “What will I be now that I have lost my wealth and power? I am nothing. It’s better that I die!”

We cannot serve God and wealth together.

But we can use wealth to serve God through others. Look at what the Good Samaritan did. How about the Zacchaeus who was more than ready to part with his wealth to the poor he has deceived?

There is only one God. He alone we should serve. All the rest are just means for us to glorify Him and serve others.
